Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Diet Tip: Coffee keeps you full!~

Depending on how you drink it, coffee can be as sweet and delicious as you'd like, and not even that bad for you. Something I've recently started drinking that I think is especially wonderful is the Caramel Lite Frappuccino (also comes in mocha). It's absolutely delightful, and it's only 140 calories 1 gram of fat (without whipped-cream) and in a grande (medium) too! Not only have I found it to be delicious and satisfying to my sweet-tooth, but it as well keeps me full. I find that especially interesting. I myself usually get a venti on days where I get a lot of exercise because I drink it fast, but the grande which I get on almost all days is very satisfying and I find myself eating a lot less or not being hungry at all after drinking it. Of course, just to be safe I also drink a lot of water because caffeine can dehydrate you and that's hard on your kidneys which are in charge of waste and processing fat and really benefit from water in your system. You want to keep those as healthy, as possible~!! ;3

Anywhoo, I thought that would be interesting to post. Because most coffees are sweet and tasty, they can be loaded with fat and calories...which aren't so sweet at all. T T;

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